This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-01-15 08:00:00 to 2021-03-13 23:00:00.

You've found the Prior Park Game Jam webpage!

This term's Game Jam theme is Magnetism. The GameJam is a  competition where you will need to develop a game, based on a theme, solo or in a group. You do not need to be a programmer to be a part of the GameJam as artwork and music will be a part of the judging criteria! Within the second term, you will be developing a game that is complete with gameplay, music, artwork and, most importantly, GAME DESIGN. A good game developer must understand what makes a game fun and a blast to play and this will be a big part of the judging criteria. Scroll down to see more information about the Game Jam, including: Participation, Rules, and Judging Criteria.

Find out frequently asked questions (FAQ) at the following address:

Making a game is difficult, which is why you will be given the full second term to complete as much as possible. Once the term is over, you will need to submit a Playable Game (downloadable or running on the webpage). You should not submit coding files. The date of the the game jam is shown at the top of this page. When the theme is announced, you will find it at the top of this page as well.

As per our procedures, you can only submit the following way:

Solo EntryYou are working on it yourself, a daunting task, but have no fear as there are art and music assets that you can use for your game. Just visit the Assets section at the bottom of this page to download whatever you need to help your game development. The Theme of the Jam will appear on the first day of the Game Jam.

As with most competitions, it is important you follow the rules. Any games that do not comply with the rules will be immediately disqualified and discarded. 

 o DeadlineYou must submit an playable game by the deadline. Submissions for the game will be closed after the deadline has passed and you will be unable to submit anything after. The game must be playable when submitting; if you have developed an android/ios game or you have developed a game that is hosted somewhere (e.g. webgame, scratch, etc.) then submission can be a link to the game. Note: Any games uploaded to the app store must be free or it will be invalid as a submission. 

 o No Offensive/Hateful ContentWhile it shouldn't need to be said, your game should not include any offensive or hateful material in it. The games will be playable by everyone and therefore, it is important that it is clean and inoffensive (young and old). If you are having trouble, think about what a teacher would say if you showed him/her your game.

All Engines/Frameworks AllowedIt is important for this competition to be accessible to anyone. You can use any game engine or framework available to you as long as it is available for others to use as well. If you are an artist/musician, this means you can use a game maker that requires no coding. Game engines/frameworks can include: Unity, Android Studio, Pygame, Game Maker 2, etc. 

 o Assets Must be OriginalAnything you make, whether it'd be music or graphics, needs to be your own work. You can use existing games as inspiration, but you must create your own assets. The exception to this rule is when using the assets that is provided to you in this game jam. You can find the assets available to you by following the Assets section at the bottom of this page. In regards to code, copying coding files from the internet is not allowed, however, you are allowed to use tutorials to help you figure things out. This is a learning experience more than anything.

o As this will be a solo entry, you will be allowed to use any artwork/music you can find.

All games will be rated by a panel of judges (tbc).

The games will be judged according to the following criteria: 

 o Game DesignHow well have you thought about level design? How have you introduced game mechanics? Is your game easy to understand? Is there anything unique that makes your game stand out? 

 o FunYour game will be rated on enjoyability by the judges. 

 o ThemeYour game will be judged on how well you met the theme. This will be a big factor in deciding the winner of the competition as the theme should be an integral part of your game. If your game does not have anything to do with the theme it will be disqualified from the competition

Graphic DesignThis section will be marked on use of artwork in the game. You will earn extra marks for using your own artwork within the game so teamwork is encouraged! 

  Audio DesignThis section will be marked on use of audio in the game. This includes your use of music to enhance the atmosphere as well as your use of sound effects to immerse the player. As with graphics, you will earn extra marks by producing your own audio.

Audio Design: This will be marked on your use of any audio in the game. This includes your use of music to enhance the atmosphere as well as your use of sound effects to immerse the player. Within the term, you will be developing a game that is complete with gameplay, music, artwork and, most importantly, GAME DESIGN. A good game developer must understand what makes a game fun and a blast to play and this will be a big part of the judging criteria. Scroll down to see more information about the Game Jam, including: Participation, Rules, and Judging Criteria.

You can create your own assets (i.e. graphics and music) or you can take any of the assets found in the link below. 

Prior Park Game Jam - Assets