This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-01-01 00:00:00 to 2024-02-01 00:00:00. View 9 entries
Try to think of different ways a player can use teleportation to navigate through the level. For example, there could be a wrap screen that teleports the player from either left to right or bottom to top. The player could have a portal gun that creates portals somewhere. Maybe the player could throw a teleportation device through lasers and press a button to go to its position. The portals may already exist for the player to jump through. Things like doors and pipes can be classed as teleports too.
Try to think about what could make teleportation more interesting. For example, the portal or wrap screen area could be moving. The portals could stay open for a certain amount of time, some portals could lead to a hazard like spikes, there could be pipes that bend at angles, there could be multiple exit doors, some doors may need a key or only open for a limited amount of time when a lever is used, maybe only boxes can be pushed through the portals. Enemies and projectiles could come out of portals. If you have a gun that teleports the player then there could be a restriction like a limited range. Teleporting could be slow and cause fire damage to enemies across its travel path like in a game called Aggelos. If you use a teleport arrow there could be certain walls that it will bounce off. Some portals could be hidden in a level and lead to a bonus stage. If there are multiple portals maybe they come in different shades or maybe it is the nearest one that you come out of.
If you aren't sure if something is allowed as a teleport platform, I would say yes it is allowed. For example, the player could fold space like in a game called Fault Line to make platforms disappear. The player could open a portal in front of them to redirect enemy projects back at them. The player could have something like the Ghostbusters teleportation unit that sucks enemies and objects in and spit them back out. The player could teleport back to the same spot they were in but it takes a second or two to reappear which could be useful to get past moving walls. Teleporting could work by swapping positions with something else like a nearby enemy. I'm sure there will be other examples like these but if in doubt, they will all be allowed. The theme is very much open to interpretation
You may also want to ask yourself what sort of character do you want to have in your game? Does this character of yours have a special ability? (A weapon, magic, wall jump, push and pull objects, glide, no ability but looks cute etc) Does this special ability affect how your player interacts with the platforms?
The judging question will be: HOW GOOD ARE THE TELEPORT PLATFORMS?
I will be rating games higher if the teleport platforms are in well thought out positions and have anything else that makes them more enjoyable such as artwork and audio etc
The winner of every Platformer Challenge that I host will get to have their game featured on my homepage -
If you have any questions, my email is
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