This jam is now over. It ran from 2019-01-05 23:00:00 to 2019-01-12 23:00:00. View results
Welcome to the Philosophy Game Jam! Judging is open to the public, so feel free to play the games and give them ratings. If you've never participated in a game jam before, just remember that all of these games were made in a week. Try to keep that in mind as you construct constructive feedback. If you are new to, I advise you to use the desktop app to download and play games. It makes managing them a little easier.
The goal of this jam is to produce games that are philosophical in nature. This can mean games that touch on philosophical themes or games that strive to teach the player philosophy.
Judging will be done by the public. This is for two reasons. First, it increases the chances that everyone gets enough feedback. Second, it will help to generate publicity for future iterations of the game jam.
Each game will be judged on 5 criteria.
There is a discord server available for chatting with other participants and finding others to work with. The link is: PhilosophyGameJam Discord Server.
There is also a hashtag for the jam, so make sure to tweet with #PhilosophyGameJam and follow @philgamejam.
There are no monetary or game prizes this time, but I will be building a webpage (PhilGames) to help philosophy instructors find games to use in their classes. The best games from this jam will be featured there.
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