This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-10-01 07:00:00 to 2023-11-05 07:00:00. View 8 entries

It's that time again!

The PBBG Game Jam 2023 will begin on Oct 01, with the theme being...๐Ÿฅ๐Ÿฅ๐Ÿฅ

Theme: "Oops! All loot!"

Make a game without any money, gems, or any other centralised currency.


Submissions must:

  1. be a Persistent Browser-Based Game
  2. be hosted somewhere by the deadline so players can try out your game
  3. be submitted to this jam on
  4. adhere to the jam timeline: no development before the jam starts, and development ends on the jam deadline


The winner(s) will receive a special role on our Discord server, distinguishing them as the champions of this year's jam! This role not only serves as a badge of honor but also as recognition from the community for your outstanding contribution and creativity.

Who knows, perhaps there are more surprises in store? ๐Ÿ˜‰

Ranking Criteria:

Entries will be ranked on a 1-5 scale in the following categories:

  1. Theme Adherence - How well did the game integrate and embrace our selected theme?
    • 1: Barely related or off-theme.
    • 2: Aspects of the theme are present but integration could be stronger.
    • 3: The theme is obviously present and works well.
    • 4: Showcases the theme in a noteworthy way.
    • 5: Perfectly captures and expands upon the theme, to the point of embodiment.
  2. Gameplay & Engagement - How enjoyable is the game experience?
    • 1: Not engaging or enjoyable.
    • 2: Has moments of fun but struggles overall.
    • 3: Moderately engaging with some unique aspects.
    • 4: Highly engaging and offers a memorable experience, but could use some work.
    • 5: Exceptionally fun and well-crafted, perfect or nearly so.
  3. Accessibility & Usability - How intuitive and user-friendly is the game interface and mechanics?
    • 1: Difficult to understand or play.
    • 2: Some barriers to entry or usability hiccups.
    • 3: Generally user-friendly with minor issues.
    • 4: Very accessible with a clear interface.
    • 5: Seamlessly intuitive, exceptionally easy to play.
  4. Artistic Presentation - How aesthetically pleasing is the game in terms of visuals and overall design?
    • 1: Lacks polish or artistic cohesion.
    • 2: Basic presentation with room for improvement.
    • 3: Solid presentation with some standout elements.
    • 4: Highly polished and aesthetically pleasing.
    • 5: Exceptionally crafted with a standout artistic vision.
  5. Performance and Polish - How smooth and bug-free is the game experience?
    • 1: Numerous bugs or performance issues.
    • 2: Some bugs or areas lacking polish.
    • 3: Generally smooth with occasional hiccups.
    • 4: Very polished with rare minor issues.
    • 5: Flawless execution and smooth experience.

Each game can earn a maximum of 5 points in each category, leading to a total possible score of 25 points.

Other Notes:

  • Scoring will happen outside of  Full details TBD.
  • How well a game adheres to the theme will be a factor in scoring, but doing so isn't strictly required.
  • Although development may not begin before the jam starts, it is encouraged to find teammates, plan schedules, brainstorm, etc


You can find us at at our Discord here:


All submissions
Browser playable (3)

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A procedural, infinite dungeon crawler
Role Playing
Play in browser
Wuxia-themed Persistent Browser Based Game
Role Playing
Do you have what it takes to run an interplanetary civilisation?
Small multiplayer game inspired by FTL
Play in browser
Loot, dismantle, craft more loot
Play in browser