This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-04-16 06:30:00 to 2021-04-18 06:30:00. View 5 entries

Play by Play and NZ Games Festival are excited to welcome you to our first ever game jam! Help us pre-game for our festival week with a weekend of creativity, networking and nonsense.

This 48 hour game jam will see motley crews assembling quickfire games that show their unique take on the theme Smaller Than You Know . Thanks to Yoobee, teams will have access to a communal space to work or have the option to break away and work in their own spaces.

The game jam is completely free to participate in, and there are no barriers to entry – all newcomers are welcome! All you need to do is register in advance so we know you’re coming. You can register here:


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A day in the life of a diligent worker ant
Climb from the dank undergrowth up to the windy peaks (it's a physics platformer!)
Things can be smaller than you think!
Side Scrolling Runner where you can zoom your character size in and out
Conversations are hard. You and your friends play as little neurons pushing words towards the mouth!