This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-11-27 08:00:00 to 2023-12-04 08:00:00. View 3 entries

Pick anytime in the next 7 days to spend 3 hours making a game
Theme: The Moon

Come up with a game that aesthetically, thematically or mechanically focuses on the moon!

Make something fast and scope it down to the bare essentials. Share what you make however imperfect it is and have fun! Submissions that aren't games (zines, drawings, physical games, etc!) are very much welcome, submit anything you have and play what other have done!

You're highly encouraged to share your imperfect prototype with us and play some of our imperfect prototypes. Doing a small jam like this can be a perfect exercise in learning how to scope something down to its essentials and dirty programming.

You can take more than 3 hours.
You can submit late.
You don't have to be in paradise to partake


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stuff that hole buddy
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An accident occurred during the lunar mission; you're trapped in the moon and your death is certain!