This jam is now over. It ran from 2022-10-07 04:00:00 to 2022-10-23 04:00:00. View 20 entries

Riley and Andrew have made a successful podcasting career out of taking your suggestions and talking about turning them into podcasts. To celebrate 100 episodes of The Podcast Mines: There But For The Grace Of Pod Go We, they're ready to eliminate the middlemen (themselves) entirely.

They're hoping to collect a group of Podcasters to do something they never have before: actually create the pilot episode of a podcast! People of all experience levels are welcome to join in and create something that will go up in the Podcast Mines feed! If you have a Microphone and a Voice there is a place for you here.

Once the jam starts, we'll take everyone that's signed up with our Contact Sheet and randomize you into pairs. We'll get you in touch with your partner, and then it's your job to produce an episode of a podcast to go in our Episode 100 Feed! Just submit your episode to the feed, and then tune in on Oct. 21 to hear all of the great submissions!


I've never made a podcast before!
Neither had any podcaster you can name before they made one. 

Does our Podcast have to be one pitched on The Podcast Mines?
Absolutely not! You're more than welcome to make a good podcast instead! Talk to your partner, find out what you have in common, and then put some mics between you and go to town!

What if I don't know how to edit?
Here's Jeff Stormer's incredible editing guide! This is what Andrew uses while he edits, and this doc has served him well!

What if we want to keep the show going after the jam?
Nothing would make us happier than being proud Grandpodrents! You own everything about your submission, so go with the grace of Pod. The only thing that we ask is you let us keep the original episode in our feed (feel free to reupload it to your own as well!) and give us a shoutout in your episodes/show notes!


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Two bull headed scientists alone together in space
A TTRPG podcast about designing and playing a new game every episode.
Taking a hammer to the walled garden
Shakespearean Heist Draft Podcast
Co-written/hosted/produced by Gwen @hope_punk_13
Celebrity Imposters
Emory and Vir tell tales from their tabletop campaigns!
Our podcast for the podcast jam
a library mascot bracket podcast
a silly little quiz about bigfoot and friends
a podcast episode exploring the EU novel Heirs of the Force
A one-shot podcast episode for the One Mic Stand jam.
A podcast for the One Mic Stand Podjam where two people eat condiments and talk about them