This jam is now over. It ran from 2017-10-15 07:00:00 to 2017-10-29 06:59:59. View 1 entry

Can we fight without violence?

Welcome to the October Rainbow Jam! This month the theme is Combat Without Violence. Take it as you will, and lets all work together to see some really amazing games added to the world! Remember the reason we are here, building this community for Rainbow Creators,  is to show those who might need games that show themselves in it. Together we can be the media we needed as kids.

PS - Don't forget to join us on our fabulous Rainbow Jam discord server for some good old community building and fun times.

Theme : Combat Without Violence

We see alot of fighting all around us. Its in the news, its in our schools, its pretty much everywhere. Confrontations are hard to avoid in our daily lives so lets try something a little different. How can a game handle combat without resorting to using violence to defeat an enemy? Are they really enemies?

Rules of Rainbow Jam

So therefore there are only two rules to Rainbow Jams :

1) Your game must focus on Queer and/or minorities OR the experiences of those groups.


2) All games submitted have to be created during the current Rainbow Jam. You can do prep work leading up to it, in fact,I encourage it. Prep away! HOWEVER you may not start work on the actual design or the game itself until the jam starts.

You don't have to finish the game to submit it. Unfinished works or demos are allowed, encouraged, and accepted! Completing the work for the jam isn't a requirement just creating one is.

What are Rainbow Jams?

Well that's a fair question. Rainbow Jams are my answer to being annoyed at not hearing Queer and minority stories. Its my answer to wanting to see more games created by those same people. We do exist out there even if people whisper about our mythical and magical unicorn powers. And I'd like to see more of us reflected in games, and as game creators. So from now on I will be hosting a Rainbow Jam a month to help fuel that avalanche of creation through games that better reflect our community. Its time for some games #ByUs4Us !


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A short visual novel about a team of asexual superheroes
Visual Novel