This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-02-08 06:00:00 to 2024-02-22 06:00:00. View 1 entry

This is a 2-week Game Jam for those in the Nyazeli Records Vtuber Communities. This started as an internal project for a few of us that we decided to make public within our respective Discords. Many of us are just starting to dabble in Gamedev and wanted to test ourselves on making a first project. I, myself, have only done a single tutorial in Godot but really wanted to start this! Even if you haven't even picked up a dev platform yet, now's the perfect chance to start!

What is a Game Jam?

A Game Jam is a short event where you create a small game within a set period of time. This can be done solo or with a group of others, the decision is up to you. Jams have a theme or restriction to help guide the participants in a direction for their project. This is done to help focus your game and provide a good starting point. Even if you've never done one before, now's your chance to enter the world of Game Dev!



This Game Jam's theme centers around the members of Nyareco! Your game must incorporate any aspect of a Nyareco member; This can be hamsters like BigHam, Shibes like Teru, Vampires like Som etc. As long as your game features one or more of these characteristics, it will be accepted. The game isn't meant to feature a member directly, just as a general idea. Get creative... or don't! As long as you have fun!



  • No teams of more than 3 people.
  • Do not slander, in any fashion, any members of Nyareco.
  • Be cool with yourself and trust the process. You're gunna have fun.
  • No AI-Generated Content. This means anything involving AI. Half of us are Artists, don't make us sad.
  • No Pornographic Content or Nudity. Weirdham.
  • Just make something!


Game Design Document

  • Consider making a Game Design Document to help focus your project!
  • This is a planning document that details what your game will be.
  • You can read a sample GDD here!


  • This is just for fun, so your prize is a deep sense of satisfaction.
  • One Free Kissahamie. From Lamork. No refunds.



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Lamork Game Jam 2024