This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-07-31 11:00:00 to 2023-08-02 11:00:00. View results
If you're new to making games, this series of jams over the summer holidays is the place to be. We're running 15 jams of varying lengths over eight weeks. We're trying to build an inclusive community of game makers and adjacent artists, encouraging cooperation and learning from each other. If you have any questions, join our Discord server -, then drop a message in our #help-channel or #create-a-ticket and we’ll be happy to help!
Join us on Discord to see the theme.
Please try to provide a link to the source code of your submission.
You can see upcoming game jams, get the support you need and can, and get more information on the game jam itself.
We are removing the community tab in the future to try to get people to use the Discord server. We primarily use Discord and it's where we are organizing the game jams from.
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