This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-10-27 22:00:00 to 2021-11-10 23:00:00. View 3 entries


The Northwest Missouri State University ACM is hosting a 2 week long Game Jam for any NWMSU Students who want to participate!

You DO NOT need to have taken Game Dev to participate, you can use any game engine or even program a text game in straight python if you want. Be creative, all game types and genres are welcome, text based, 3D, 2D, if it fits the theme you have a chance of winning!

*Submissions close Wednesday November 10th, 2021 @5pm


  • As long as it is not the main focus of your game AND you properly credit the source, you can use premade assets such as;
    • Art
    • Music
    • Models
    • Fonts
  • Teams are allowed (Max size 3 people)
  • Nothing grossly inappropriate
    • If you wouldn't say it out loud in class you shouldn't put it in the game 

Prize Pool: (given in gift card of your choice)*

  1. $60
  2. $30
  3. $12

*Teams will have the prize split evenly among the team members

For anyone who has not made games before here is a great playlist on how to use Unity that should get you started:


All submissions
Windows (2)

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Spy-inspired 1984 platformer
A Love Letter to NWMSU CSIS
A 2D adventure - platformer created for Northwest Missouri State University's ACM Fall 2021 Game Jam