This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-03-01 00:00:00 to 2024-03-31 23:00:00. View results

In this Gamjam, should I say 'Ninjam' you and your team must create your re-'vision' of a classic Ninja game of your choice that was big in the 1980's from the era of home computers like Commodore64, Spectrum, Amstrad and consoles like NES, Sega Master System and any Arcade hits you can re-imagine.!

You can use whatever game engine works for you, to name a few: 

  • Unity
  • Unreal Engine 4 or 5
  • Godot
  • Gamemaker

If you so dare, you can also remake it for an actual retro machine such as Spectrum/ ZX Spectrum Next, Amstrad, Commodore 64/128, Mega65, Amiga, Gameboy, you name it, all is welcome!

The goal is to wow the fans of these games with your new re-imagined playable game.!

Focus on:

  • New improved graphics
  • Improved game mechanics
  • Original new music or great cover music + sound effects
  • Additional scenes
  • Retro and nostalgic elements
  • Title and UI originality
  • Cutscenes / story

Some key Rules:

  • You can use free or purchased assets please list in credits, this includes graphics, sound and music
  • Make an original title for your game based around your chosen game.
  • You can use fan based remakes of music or your own but credit those people (cover artist and original artist).
  • Please refrain from using any logos, or original graphics that belong to the original games, make completely new things.
  • Do not use the existing U.I graphics from the games, make it your own fresh takes, the layout can be similar.
  • You can use a.i generated content, but please specify which assets, code, or sound, used a.i and which tools.

The Jam will run for the month of March 2024 for 1 month, in that time you can blog post, link, reply, post an build of your game, be sure to create an itch page of course! 
What can you make in a month though? 
Consider just taking a few scenes from the original games to improve upon, then focus your time and energy into improving the gameplay, perhaps bringing it up to date with improved controls and addressing the issues you found in the games back then.!


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Made for Ninjam game jam.