This jam is now over. It ran from 2015-05-03 23:00:00 to 2015-05-10 23:00:00. View 36 entries

Make as many games as possible in the week of May 4th - May 10th, the more the better! It doesn't matter if they are good, it doesn't matter if they are buggy; The only thing that counts is how many games you can make in a week.

There are no rules, but consider the following;

  • Quantity is more important than quality - if you're taking time to improve a game instead of using that time to make more games you're jamming this jam wrong.
  • Don't spend too long thinking about stuff - just make anything even if it seems bad, you might have a more interesting idea while you're working on the boring idea.
  • Do think a little though - don't be inconsiderate, it's easy to get caught up in the rush but don't forget that people have feelings so don't be careless; avoid being offensive and/or harmful in what you make.
  • This is not a competition, games will not be ranked. Make as many games as you can, it doesn't matter if that's more or less than anyone else!


It just so happens that this year's Accessibility Jam (#A11yJam2015) starts as this jam finishes. Make sure to check it out, and consider how one of it's extra themes is 'Make a past game jam entry more accessible' ;)

If you have any questions, shoot them to me @S0phieH


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Tier 1
A 2D space combat game
Tic-Tac-Toe with a PLOT TWIST (More is Better Jam)
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Collection of games made during the More is Better Jam
A couple of quick Prototypes for the More is Better Game Jam
An exploration of color and weird art through Flickgame.
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Just choose what you're told to. (More is Better Jam)
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For More is Better Jam 2015
Don't let the snakes eat you
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Made for More is Better Jam - May 2015
Two player versus game that resembles sports
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Learn order in alphabet! (More is Better Jam)
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Knarf's #MIBjam prototypes and ugly games soup : Breakout,Sokoban,Queue,GBstyle platformer,Retard-drum fun.
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Control your controls. (More is Better Jam)
Games made for the Moar is Bettar Jam
Pen and Paper RPG robot duel!
Role Playing
The 1978 Arcade Classic
Pipes are hard. (More is Better Jam)
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SPAAAAACE (More is Better Jam)
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Magnets, how do they work? (More is Better Jam)
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A crappy game. (More is Better Jam)
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Use your jetpack to score points and avoid balls
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short flickgame for the More Is Better jam
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#MiBJam #arkanoid #breakout
Don't do it. (More is Better Jam)
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what kind of doctor will you be?
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a beautiful meditation game to cleanse your digital aura
Lick them ghosts and sandwiches!
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Navigate through space using starmaps
Four simple questions
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Jazzy filters and throwing garbage at cops
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