This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-08-26 09:00:00 to 2024-08-27 18:00:00. View 3 entries

Mod Jam - Genesis Edition is co-hosted by GÆMZ Meetup ( /

The Theme is: Oath

Modding for social commentary, satire, dada, open exploration

Preliminary repository for an event series exploring modding for political and community organising, absurd and surrealist social explorations, etc.

  • Modding
  • Other ways to play
  • Fangames
  • Doujin games
  • Altctrl adaptations

We encourage participants to attend the whole event - if you can only attend part of the event we can accommodate drop-ins.

BYOG - Bring Your Own Game - if you have a favourite game you want to explore with us.

Mod Jam is about deconstruction, reconstruction, remix, learning/understanding thoughts and ideas, paraphrasing/expressing your interpretation of (newly acquired) knowledge in the video game medium.


For modding:

- Nexus Mods:

- Steam Workshop:

- Mod DB:

- BeplnEx plugin loader:

- Anodyne 2 Open Source Project:

- Minetest, an open-source, modding-friendly Minecraft clone ( ( but it uses Lua.

- ROM hacks in general (Mario games, GBA Pokemon, etc.)

- Doom

- Quake is good for making maps, scripting is a bit complex

- Terraria has a robust modding system

- Minecraft 'has some mods that make scripting more possible such as kubejs, and has a very robust ‘datapack’ system which is great for simple scripting and texture changes and various other things.

- factorio has a great modding system.

- Super Mario Maker

- Baldi's Basics Open Source Project:

- Elder Scrolls Construction Set:

- Shakedown Rally:

- Matt Stark has lots of landscaping games:

- Garry's Mod

Mod Examples:
- Alistair's MagicBox:

- RDR2 pedestrian mode:

- GTA pedestrian mode : 

- Fallout pedestrian mode:

- RDR2 Wacky West: 

- Doom Piano

Thoughts, ideas, etc. 

- Twelve Theses on the Architecture of the Second Modernity:

- Wikipedia: Art Manifesto:

- DeepFUN with Bernard De Koven Articles:

- Hito Steyerl: Contemporary Cave Art:

- Hito Steyerl: Why Games? Can People in the Art World Think?

"In poetry and in whatever else, the entrance into the work has to already be the way into adventure. Create the tools for everyday subversion."

— Roberto Bolaño, Mexico, Manifesto of Infrarealism (translation by Tim Pilcher), 1976

"Our machines are disturbingly lively, and we ourselves frighteningly inert."

― Donna J. Haraway, A Cyborg Manifesto, 1985

"When we approach identity as an inventory holding multiple contexts, we can expansively navigate the highly varied use cases of a peer-to-peer web, and reimagine what we are. By reevaluating identity in our technical systems, we can also fundamentally remap agency in the political sphere to come." 

— Kei Kreutler, Inventories, Not Identities, 2021

"Decentralized avatar organizations will have collectively developed, interoperable game worlds, engines, or virtual being mascots at their core, which co-creates the culture around which their members organize. [...] As is the case with massively multiplayer online games, DAOs are less technical protocols for governance and more high stakes game worlds that interweave. We should aim for rough consensus and running worlds." 

— Kei Kreutler, A Prehistory of DAOs, 2021

“A 21st century writer looking to survive and reach a degree of readability in the continuous digital noise of new media must learn to become himself a digital icon, a pop icon. HE HAS ALREADY been reduced to the variable trademark of perfectly defined social representations, which are pre-adjusted to serve the purposes of tele-totalitarian marketing. The only survivors of this new state will be those who have something relevant to say on it and who can extract its specific beauty, i.e. those capable of making art from it.”  

— Maurice G. Dantec, Le Théâtre des opérations, 1999

“The idea of the future, pregnant with an infinity of possibilities, is thus more fruitful than the future itself, and this is why we find more charm in hope than in possession, in dreams than in reality.” ― Henri Bergson, Time and Free Will, 1889

A Prehistory of DAOs, by Kei Kreutler

Inventories, Not Identities


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