This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-07-31 16:00:00 to 2023-09-03 22:00:00. View 7 entries


This is the first unofficial game jam for MMD employees!

This will be a game making marathon, where individuals or teams of two will try to make a game that fits a theme, over the span of a month.

The Theme

The theme will be announced here, Teams and Discord at 17:00 BST, giving you an hour of early planning before the jam commences!

Key Information

What can I make my game in?
Anything, provided you can upload a file that runs on Windows or browsers, and doesn't require any additional hardware or software.

Who will judge the games?
Myself, JWT, will be judging this year. Follow-up game jams may be open to all contributers. But since this is our first one, we'll just keep it simple.

What will the games be judged on?
Games will be ranked against the following criteria:

  • Enjoyment
  • Creativity
  • Presentation

Is there a Discord I can join?
There is! Go to the Team's software channel to find the invite.

Further Details / General Tips

Main Rules

Who can enter?
Any MMD employee, from any department may partake in this game jam. It's an opportunity to develop new skills, enhance existing skills and team building within the company.

You can work alone or in teams of two. People can not be in multiple teams.

Only one person needs to join and submit the game. However, if others on the team also join, they can be tagged as contributors. (On your game's itch page, pick "Edit", "More", "Admins", and follow the instructions).

What's the theme?
The theme will be announced at the very beginning of the jam. Please read above.

Your game should follow the theme, and you will be asked how your game fits the theme on the submission page. That being said, you will not be disqualified from the jam if your game doesn't adequately fit the theme.

When does the jam begin and end?
The event will begin on July 31st at 18:00 BST. The jam ends on August 31st at 22:00 BST. You can submit at any time during the jam.

What you can make

When it comes to what kind of game you can make, ultimately looking for games that are suitable for a general audience, and that are really easy for people to download, play, and judge.

What can I make my game in?
You must produce a digital computer game, that runs on Windows - or web browsers supported by Windows. You can support additional platforms (such as Mac or mobile) if you like, but a Windows / browser build is necessary.

The game file needs to be uploaded to when you submit.

You can make your game in whatever engine, programming language, or software you like. Please see "What tools do you suggest?" if you're new to this and want some ideas.

"So I have this risky idea..."
Your game must not contain nudity, hateful language or visuals. Please consider avoiding extremely strong language and excessive gore. If you're uncertain, err on the side of being less gratuitous.

Please don't make games about or based on MMD, Metrea and their employees - It's easy for a parody and inside jokes to go wrong.

We want this event to keep happening, so lets not get it banned straight away!

What you can use

Can I use pre-existing code?
Yes! If you have a camera control, player controller, an amazing A* algorithm you wish to use then go ahead. Snippets of code is fine, just don't use whole sections of an existing game you may of done previously.

A lot of time can be wasted in perfecting these sort of mechanics, which can lead to jam failures. So using existing logic is fine.

Can I use pre-existing art and / or audio?
Yes! Not everyone is the Picasso of pixel art, nor Mozart of special effects. I encourge you to use tools provided below to help put some pa-zazz into your games.

What about AI?
Please refrain using AI tools like Copilot, ChatGPT, Midjourney and DALL-E to generate the code for you.

What tools do you suggest?

Game egine editors
Below is a list of game engine editors that are generally popular. Each one has its pros and cons, some are better over others for certain aspects. But none are a bad choice at the end of the day. It's a personal preference.

Game engine, raw code
For those who dislike visual editors, and love the rough and gritty bit of only relying on documentation, then these libraries may be for you!

Art tools
If you do go down the route of doing your own art, here are some tools I recommend. If you have a tool in mind, then by all means use that.

  • Aseprite Pixel art - Not free
  • Krita Painting software - Free!
  • Gimp Image manipulator - Free!

I need art and audio!

Here are some places where you can find art, fonts, music, and sound effects for your games.

Many of the assets are eligible for use in the jam but check the license before using and provide credit in your game's description!






All submissions
Windows (5)
macOS (1)

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Get Sword, Go!
A journey into Oceanic Delivery...
Inspired by a particular playstyle in Fire Emblem games, with a more Advance Wars look.
Defend your garden from oncoming pests!
Cook, clean, impress!