This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-06-23 18:30:00 to 2023-06-29 01:32:00. View 2 entries


  • theme is Float or Floating 

Winner will be given a prize which is 

A AI package for free Writen by Me!


  • is there any tips to win the game jam?

you should follow the theme that will we annouce at 25 june if your game contains the theme there will be more chances to win...

  • Which game engine should i use?

in this game jam you can only use Its Magic game Engine or otherWise you will be kicked

  • Can i can use game Asset ?

yes you can but you cant use any other game dev's game project

  • Did sound in Game is Neccessary

It depends on you if you have enough time to add so you can!

• Which format Is Required for Submission?

You can just Compress your Project to .zip file And submit it , it will be better but if you have time to export it , yes you can!


Submitter should follow the theme otherwise we will not count his/her game .

Use Its Magic Engine..

No Nfsw (otherWise ban in Discord Also)

Hosted by Thelasty dev 


Slendrina the attic

Alternate watch Android


All submissions
Android (2)

No submissions match your filter

Ice parkour 2
Hasil Rimek TCOBT NicDev :V