edit: due to popular demand and to me being lazy, i've extended the deadline for another month!
Welcome, everybody, to the magnificent, miraculous, majestic, mind-blowing, monocled Made with M— game jam!
This jam is pretty simple: create a tabletop rpg related to any word that starts with the letter M.
The reason for that is pretty stupid: while writing my next game I still had no name for the system I used in it and in my previous games, Apotheosis Janitors and Marvelous Mutations & Merry Musicians! Until I realized that all three had something in common: this next game, 'here, there, be monsters!' (currently live on Kickstarter as part of the LATAM Breakout project, please back us!) was Made with Monsters. Apotheosis Janitors was Made with Miracles. And MMnMM was, obviously, Made with Musicians! They were all Made with M—, or MwM.

So, in honor of here, there, be monsters! going live on kickstarter, I decided to launch this jam so we can all make stuff with m— together!
You can make whatever you want. There are only two rules:
- Your game must use the 'Made with M-' system (explained below);
- Your game must be based on anything that starts with the letter 'M' (examples below).
That's it. Really.
The system I used in those games, with some differences according to the setting, is pretty lightweight:
- Each character has two tags for each of these verbs:
- BE: anything that significantly defines your character;
- HAVE: anything important that your character carries with them;
- DO: anything your character knows how to do especially well.
- (Optionally for long-term play, each character also has two things they WANT (their conscious objectives) and one thing they NEED (what they need to go through in order to have a satisfying ending for their story))
- Playing the game is simple: do whatever you want and deal with the consequences.
- If you try to do something with potentially dangerous or with uncertain outcomes, or if the stakes are just too high, roll 2d6. If any of your tags could help you in this
action, roll 3d6 and use the highest values.
- A total of 6 or less is either a failure or a success with disastrous or completely
unexpected consequences, which the Person-Usually-Called-GM decides.
- 7 to 9 is a “ok, but…” narrated
by the Person-Usually-Called-GM.
- 10 or more means you did good and get to say how you did it.
- Combat is not special. Just do the same stuff as the other actions.
- Whenever you fuck up, get hurt or something else with consequences that can last for a while, take a consequence tag. Examples: a lasting
headache, a broken arm, a really loud squeaky shoe, a horrible smell, an acid trip,
things like that.
- When making a roll, if a consequence could get in your way, roll 3d6 and use the
lowest values. If any tag could help you, they cancel each other out and you just roll
- You can have a maximum of three consequences at a time.
Here's two examples of games that use this system way better than myself, with their own tweaks: Flesh Fashions, by lionheart_clan (Made with Models) and Behind the Screen, by Franky Stein (Made with Mechanical Turks).
And here's a list with potential M-word prompts to serve as inspiration:
- Macaroni
- Mafia
- Microbes
- Magicians
- Mechas
- Magical Girls
- Moles
- Memories
- Mamma Mia!
- Mummies
- Monkeys
- Miasma
- Morticians
- Minds
- Mud
- Mothers
- 'mons
- Missiles
- Memes
- Mucus
- Mediocre Middle Managers
- Meters
- Mad Max
- Misery
- Mystery
- Maids
- Madness
- Mesozoic
- Minotaur
- Merlin
- Molusks
- Manors
- Moon
- Money
- Masks
- Martini
- Microscope
- Manliness
- and more!
There are no limits here, so do whatever you want. The only other rule I can think of is that fascism, bigotry and any kind of hate speech will not be tolerated. Also, please credit me with the system if possible! :)