This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-03-16 17:00:00 to 2024-03-17 17:00:00. View results

Lawrence Technological University Game Jam 2024

The Theme is: End of Winter



Freshmen + Sophomores: James Hogg and Valerie Schlaupitz with Winter's End

Junior + Senior: Matthew Vroman and Caleb Wilson with Frostfall


The Game Jam will officially start on March 16th at 1PM

Participants will have until March 17th at 1PM to submit their entry.

The winners will be announced on March 18th at 1PM.


Participants may decide to work in the LTU Game Design studio (A221), or work remotely as long as they are signed up for the event following the participation guidelines.


This is a game jam open to all continuing students of Lawrence Technological University of all levels, as well as outside developers*. 

For students, you must be enrolled for the Fall 2024 unless you're a senior expecting to graduate this semester.

You may enter the game jam with a partner or alone.

*If you are not an LTU student and win first place, you will not be eligible for the accompanying prize for reaching first place.


You will be assigned a category when you sign up for the Game Jam, based on your current experience at the university:

  1. Freshmen and Sophomores
  2. Juniors, Seniors, and Others

Both categories are judged by the same rules. In the case that team members belong to different groups, they will be assigned the highest education level of the two.


These are individually awarded in the form of tuition waivers for the Fall 2024 semester, or as other forms of payment for graduating seniors.

Freshmen and Sophomores - 1st Place: $1500 per team member.

Juniors, Seniors, and Others - 1st Place: $1500 per team member.

Working solo will not increase your prize.

If you are not an enrolled student of Lawrence Technological University, your prize will be given to the second place instead. If they are also not enrolled at LTU, it will be donated to third place, and so on. 

If a team formed of a student and a non-student earns first prize, the non-student's prize will not be passed down to another participant.


This is a themed game jam. That means there is a theme that you must follow with your game in some manner.

As long as your game is related to the theme in a reasonable way, it's a valid submission. 

After the event has started, click on "Join Jam" and "Submit your Project". The theme will be revealed to you then.

Participation Guidelines:

  1. You must be a continuing LTU student who will be enrolled for the Fall 2024 semester or a senior expecting to graduate this semester to be eligible for a prize. Outside game developer may participate but will not receive a prize.
  2. This is a themed Game Jam. Your game must meet the theme.
  3. You may not submit any previous games for this game jam. 
  4. Participation in this event can be individual or in pairs. You may not work with more than one other person. 
  5. You must sign up as a participant using this form.


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As the snow melts, George the snowman must make his way up to the snowy peak
After the long winter, the birds must flock home, however, there is one duck who is a bit confused.
You're just a little guy who wants to spread joy to the world, one gift at a time.
As winter is coming to its end, you have been tasked with planting flowers, bushes, and trees to welcome Spring in!
Spring is fast approaching! Run and Jump your way away from it!