Submissions open from 2024-05-22 21:16:49 to 2024-07-31 03:00:00
Submissions due in

Welcome to our Game Jam dedicated to exploring liminal spaces! On this creative journey, we challenge game developers to delve into the realms between the known and unknown worlds. Liminal places are borders, points of transition, where the familiar meets the strange, the real meets the imaginary.


send games about liminal places:

optional add monsters:

Light and good gameplay:

During this Game Jam, we invite you to explore these spaces in your games. Be it a portal between two divergent worlds, a limbo between dreams and reality, or a space where time bends and distorts. Unleash your creativity and delve into the intersection between the tangible and the intangible.

Join us to create unique experiences, challenging conventions and exploring new territories of gameplay and storytelling. Let's explore the limits of what's possible in games together!