This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-09-23 00:00:00 to 2023-09-30 02:00:00. View results

Welcome to the LibreGameFest!

This is a week long game jam where you will be building a game alone or in a team of up to 3 people.

Theme: Starting Fresh


  1. Each team must not exceed 3 members.
  2. All submissions have to be with an open-source license attached. GPL 3.0 is preferred (Other valid licenses include MIT, BSD, Apache, etc.)
  3.  All source code must be submitted through a Google form with a link to the repository. GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket etc.
  4. The final compiled game must be uploaded to
  5. All submissions have to abide by MOSS & GMU’s member guidelines.
    1. Be respectful and supportive of each other.
    2. No NSFW content.
    3. No hate speech or bullying of any kind.
  6. Games do not have to be “innovative.”
    1. Teams can use an idea they had before the event.
    2. Teams can use ideas that have already been done. 
  7. All submissions must consist of original code.
  8. All work on a project must be done during the GameJam period
  9. Any unoriginal artwork used for the games must be acquired legally with license terms followed (proper crediting, etc.) AI artwork is permitted as long as the tool used is credited.
  10. Teams must submit their game by 18:00 on September 29. Any submissions after the deadline will be up to the organizers' discretion.
  11. Teams can be disqualified from the competition at the organizers' discretion. Reasons may include but are not limited to;
    1. Breaking competition rules.
    2. Individual team members not following member guidelines.
    3. General unsportsmanlike behaviour.


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small demo game for gamefest. solve a simple puzzle!
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Your Office Duck Life
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Protect a patch of soil until you die.
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