This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-11-30 17:30:30 to 2023-12-05 17:00:00.

I give the intermediate devs 5 days to make a game on a set theme . The theme will be announced when the game stats.


1. The theme is mandatory and will be a factor in voting.

 2. You cannot work on your game before the jam starts.

3. Teams can not have more then 4 people on them.

4. No adult content.

5.You must be a intermediate dev as in if you won a jam or never made a game don't join.

6.No premade art or premade SFX (premade music is aloud but must be credited in game) 

7.NO FUN if any person or team is found having fun the will be sent to the gulag immediately. (That is a joke.)


Enjoyment - How much did you like the game?
Theme - Did the game fit the theme well?
Level - What level would you say the game is at?


Main - ???

Extra - ???