This jam is now over. It ran from 2019-04-17 12:14:14 to 2019-04-19 21:23:23. View results

>_< uugh I'm late sorry... This is a game jam where people like me can make a small game in 3 days (like, a 1 day game in 3 days).

When I say person like me I mean: procrastinator, depressed, student, lack of motivation,  w̶a̶n̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ t̶o̶ d̶i̶e̶, etc...

You can begin the game jam when you want! End it when you want!

You're free to use any type of software etc... Habitual things like, don't use existant asset, you can use code part already existing

that you possessed, blablabla.

It's my first jam hosting, I'm french, and I want to do something in my free time until Friday.

Have fun! Ask me if you have questions.


The theme is... "Ganbatte!" (google it if you don't understand)

Criteria are:

-is it a game?

-are you proud?

-did you work well?

(I know, this is not Criteria but, meehhh.)


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