This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-04-17 18:30:30 to 2021-04-17 20:35:35. View results

Juicy Time

Get your brain juices flowing and come up with something crazy and out of this world! Make sure to have fun, we're not here to win, we're here to make games and have fun :]

(Video says first but it actually the second lol)

Theme :o

The main theme will be announced when the jam starts! 

Secondary Theme: Conflict, Interpret this anyway you want to for your game :3

(The secondary theme does not need to be used, if you don't use it then please say so in the description of your game)



  1. Make It Juicy!  Interpret this any way you want to :3
  2. NSFW :\ If your game has blood, gore, nudity, etc make sure to say so in the game's description.
  3. Have Fun >:) There's no need to try and win so just relax and have fun!
  4. No Rating Bombs >:( Don't give other games bad reviews rate each game fairly :)

Prizes :D

1ST PLACE: The Jam Winner Discord Role, The Juicy Jam 1 Discord Role, I will play your game and make a video on it, +1 ProBot rep, and Your game will be featured in our Hall Of Fame on the discord server.
2ND PLACE: The Jam Winner Discord Role, I will play your game and make a video on it, and +1 ProBot rep.

3RD PLACE: The Jam Winner Discord Role and I will play your game and make a video on it.

(Sadly I'm poor so no cash prizes or anything :/ )  

Sorry, it's not much but the prizes will get better and better :)
Oh Yeah also Join my discord here for the first word on the theme and much more!!! (Trust Me You Should Join :3)


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100 levels in 7 hours 45 minutes