Look away and back-
- NO NSFW content, or inappropriate images/words.
- You can't make a game that must be downloaded. Web submissions only!
- You can use any game engine that complies with rule #2.
- No stealing data!
- Must follow the theme, or you are disqualified.
- No submissions can be submitted after voting starts. (December 29th, 9:00 AM 2022)
- Follow the rules.
- NO Scratch Jr. You still are allowed to use Scratch.
- Keep controls simple.
- Must be playable on a PC, still on web.
Yes, tacos. Everyone loves 'It's Raining Tacos' by Parry Gripp! It's the best. If you don't love it, don't join the jam. Make the game ALL about tacos, and make tacos the main idea. Ideas are below this little thing of text, and you CAN use the list of ideas. It's totally legal here.
- Battle game, throw tacos at people
- Become fat by eating multiple tacos
- Make a taco and serve it to customers (we love a good flash game)
- Oh, flash is gone? Make Papa's Pizzeria with tacos.
- Oh, that exists. Make an off-brand version.
- You say you'll get copyrighted? Okay, okay.
- Tacos shoot from the sky and you have to catch one in your mouth
- An open-world RPG where you fight bad tacos to request a golden taco from King Taco, the king of Taco Land, and the Taco Factory.