Hello indie game developers, I'm here to make another game jam, and this time it's an isometric game jam
Theme: doesn't have a specific theme, do what you want, but I suggest: my suggestion is burned in the forest to portray the current situation in Australia
I am getting to know the world of isometric pixel art and I love it so much so I had the idea of jamming so I could see your talents in isometric art
- does my game have to be 3d or 2d?
No matter what type of game you just need isometric format
Also no matter which engine you use to make your game, feel free to use any
Unfortunately I will not be able to give any reward to the winner, but I am open to donations, who volunteer to donate a game on steam for jam I would be happy, talk to me in the discord below ( fabiooliveira2091#0320 )
good luck everyone and share with your developer friends