This jam is now over. It ran from 2017-06-09 18:00:00 to 2017-08-16 21:59:59. View results
Summer is here but that is no reason to stop making games.
In Development (the student organisation at Nord Universitet, Steinkjer) is hosting a summer long game jam. Starting on the 9th of June until the 16th of August. That is to say, it starts on the last official day of school and ends at the first of the next term.
Theme: Summer
Yes, who could have guessed it, the theme for Indev's Summer game jam 2017 is SUMMER. Interpret that as you will.
-Team sizes are 1-5
-Anyone can join. We do not require that you be a student of SPO at Nord to join this game jam.
-Submit through , to the "In Development's Summer Game Jam 2017" game jam. So you will need to make a account to participate.
Have fun and have a great summer
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