This jam is now over. It ran from 2018-04-29 11:30:30 to 2018-05-19 23:00:00. View results

Improvised Assassin is an RPG in which you find parts in various maps and areas to use as weapons. It can be in whatever Graphic Style you prefer to work with, whether it be pixel art, full 3d or even some kind of Paper Mario style, the choose is yours...


You play as an assassin for hire who doesn't use normal weapons like others in the trade, you use your surroundings, much like in the popular game series, The Escapists. (The assassin's appearance and name is up to you, it could even be customisable) You get hired by various people for various tasks, whether it be killing someone in a supermarket, prison, Football Match, whatever!


All I really care about is that you craft weapons out of your surroundings, and preferably move in a 2.5d environment, sort of like the older Zelda games (The Original one and Link to the past, Basically the really old ones!) The character should have an inventory, and there will always be someone trying to prevent you from doing your job. (You do want some kind of challenge after all!) All items with have durability and damage stats and if you kill a civilian, whether accidentally or on purpose, the Police will come after you and you'll have to deal with them too!

Should there be a tutorial? I'll leave it up to you, but I think a kind of easy level to get you started with would be good, just with a little bit of free movement without it holding your hand completely!

Feel free to ask any questions, by eMailng! Otherwise, Happy Jamming!
