Take or favorite (or non favorite) experience/game and improve one mechanic.
Since everybody will be doing the course on a different time we can’t have a fix date.
However, try to build it in 7 days. We won’t be able to control this but it is a great challenge (and flex on your portfolio)
Use our Discord server for exchanging ideas and showcasing your work and finding cool people.
Keep game content clean. No NSFW content, offensive content, excessive gore/violence.
Using 3rd party assets is not just allowed but it’s recommended. But share what you’ve used
Max team size (for this project) is 2. The main emphasis for this course is that YOU learn the skills and concepts.
When you submit a project you have to give feedback on 3 other project!!! We will check. Let's be nice to another.
This is how and where you’ll submit your project. Put it on itch.io We will post a page below!!!
You got this 💪🏽💪🏽
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