The IGDA Foundation Alumni Team presents the Get It Done Jam. A game jam to encourage making progress on an existing project or getting started on a new project. Below are the details:
Jam Start: January 15th
Jam Ends: February 12th
Presentations: February 18th
Rules for the Jam:
- - Be kind!
No trolling, hate speech, inflammatory discussions, or the like. In order to keep this space inclusive and welcoming to the many intersections represented in this community, we have a no tolerance stance towards racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and other forms of bigotry. Keep everything safe for work here too; this is a professional space.
- - Be mindful of yourself and others.
Do not share sensitive information here, whether it's someone else's personal information or something that's under NDA. Additionally, if another member of the server sets a boundary with you for any reason, please respect it.
- - Show respect to your fellow Alumni.
We do not tolerate harassment or abuse of any kinds in this space—period. If someone or something in this server is making you feel unsafe, please reach out to someone with the coordinators with more details. All reports will be escalated to the Foundation proper and handled with seriousness and care.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please reach out to our alumni coordinators.
Can't wait to see what you all come up with!
Coordinators for the Jam: Mido & Valencia.
Icons by PiiiXL at: