This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-06-15 23:00:00 to 2023-06-19 15:59:59. View results

What is this Jam?

Unlike your typical game jam, this GJ will focus solely on audio design. We welcome ALL levels of ability to participate, in fact we encourage beginners to try their hand at this jam. 


Please join us for a virtual game jam kickoff. We will also be holding a workshop with one of our own audio designers to provide guidance and tools for your success in your submission!

The Challenge

The game design document in this folder is the theme prompt for this jam. Necro Swarm is an original GDD and you will be creating the theme and 3 sound effects. Please see the google drive link below for the GDD and resources to help you on this journey!


There are four categories: Best Music, Best SFX, Most Creative, Most Fun


Code of Conduct

  • Treat each other with respect  
  •  Be mindful of your speech and behavior towards others, especially when disagreeing  
  •  Harassment or abuse of any form will not be tolerated  
  •  Use appropriate profile images and names 
  •  Do not send unsolicited private messages to anyone  
  •  Do not share sexually explicit, racist, sexist, or otherwise disturbing content  
  •  Do not disclose personal information about anyone other than yourself 
  •  Do not advertise services, software, or other prods


The top submission for each category will receive a $25 steam gift card.


Please join our community for updates and a special forum channel for those looking to form teams and meet other jam participants! JOIN HERE



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Spooky yet refined-like aged bones
Done for the Indie Game Academy audio jam of June 2023, based on a game pitch!
This is my submission for the IGA June Challenge Jam - Audio
Submission for IGA - one Theme and two SFX - Consider: Skeletons
Sound SFX submitted to IGA June Audio Challenge