This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-10-21 23:00:00 to 2024-10-30 23:00:00. View 1 entry
On October 21st from 12pm-1pm, students can meet in person in room C227 to review the game jam rules and form teams. The jam theme will be announced on this page at 6pm on the 21st, and that is when the submission window will open. All participants will have until October 30th at 6pm to upload a game. Listed below are the rules and breaking them can lead to the submission's disqualification, student suspension from further club events, and even disciplinary action, depending on the severity of the offense.
If you need to contact anyone, you can contact either:
Rebekah Bledsoe:
Anisha Prather:
1. NSFW art/work of a sexual nature will NOT be permitted whatsoever.
2. Because this is a Halloween event, adding lesser themes of violence is
allowed, but if there are those themes, please put a trigger warning
in-game/in its description.
3. Racist, homophobic, sexist, or plain hateful ideas/speech will NOT be
permitted whatsoever.
4. If your game has rapidly flashing lights built in it, please put a seizure
warning in-game/in its description.
5. Respect all those who are participating in the event. Do not harass, attack,
demean, sabotage, or exploit anyone.
6. All assets must either be originally made or free to obtain. Paid assets
should NOT be used within jam submissions. Please credit the assets you
use to their original creator (this includes members within your groups).
7. Any submissions that are found to have plagiarized someone else's concepts,
code, art or sounds will NOT be allowed to remain on the jam page.
8. All submissions must follow itch's official Terms of Service.
9. Please only submit one game submission per group, and if you are working within
a group, please list all the group member's names in-game/in its description.
Monstrosity (Incorporate this theme however you see fit)
No submissions match your filter