This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-06-16 22:30:00 to 2023-08-14 06:59:59. View results

Welcome to the Hackingtons Under18 Jam!

Who is this game jam for?

Like the title says, it's for young developers! This is an invitation to high school students under 18.

The Games Division at Hackington's Code School wants to encourage the next generation of game developers to participate in collaborative and challenging game jams. That's because we believe game jams are a cornerstone of learning how to become a better developer.  Like any art, practice is critical to progression. This is how you can prepare for college-level game development and beyond!

The Theme:


But more to the point, think of BEANS in the Unity Capsule Primitive sense. We want you to feel able to explore any of your ideas using the basic shapes because this jam is about TRYING and not about perfection. So many students believe they must produce such-and-such quality before it's worth sharing. 


Finish your work because this process of "getting it done" is a hard skill to learn, and low-stress game jam environments are where your beans can fly free!!!!

Rules and Requirements

  • You must be between the ages of 13 and 19 to be eligible for prizes.
  • You must have an account to be able to join the jam and submit your entry.
  • Games must be conceptualized and built during this jam. You cannot submit previously finished games.
  • Games must use the theme!
  • You cannot edit your submission after the deadline!
  • Teams are allowed, but prizes are only for the whole team, not the individual members
  • All assets must be created by team members, or be appropriately licensed. Your game or page must show attribution.  You can use assets you own (e.g. purchased assets from the Unity Asset Store). You may only use assets you have permission to use, and avoid infringing upon any copyright or trademark.
  • No NSFW games.  Games must not contain nudity, or hateful language or visuals.
  • Participants who try to manipulate voting will be removed.


The winner of each judging category will be promoted on all social media platforms, including sponsored ad slots on popular game tutorial YT channels! Get seen :D

Judging and Rating

All entries will be judged by the general public, and other participants of the jam, so that includes you! 

Your game needs at least 10 ratings in any of the categories to be considered for winning. When you rate a game and leave feedback, they can see your game in exchange. The more games you rate, the more your game will get rated!

The rating categories are:

  • Judges' Choice: The best overall game.
  • Theme: Does the game fit into the theme?
  • Gameplay: How do the mechanics feel? Is it fun to play?
  • Art: How does this game look? Does the art style set this game apart?
  • Audio: How are the sound FX and music? Do they fit with the game?
  • Humor: Does the game make you laugh or snicker?

The Judges' Choice rating is determined by Hackingtons, and we decide what we believe to be the best overall game from all the submissions. This is considered the grand prize! 

After the jam submission deadline, there is a 1 week rating period, but we reserve the right to take down any submissions that are clearly vote brigaded (that means if you bring your whole Discord server to vote for just your game, we're going to disqualify it).


Anything you make during the Hackingtons Under18 Jam is your property. Hackingtons claims no rights or ownership of your game. 

Any game submitted to the Hackingtons Under18 Jam may show up in a Hackingtons YouTube video or other published recording without your express permission.'s terms of service states that you must be of at least age 13 to create an account.


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Browser playable (6)
Windows (5)
macOS (2)
Linux (2)

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Explore the stars and locate the bean in this extremely unserious space game
Play as a bean of beans and reunite with your bean brethren on the other side of the kitchen :)
Spaceship Based On Canned Bean Biomass
for the very hilarious gamejam
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You are sheriff bean that can use dead enemies as bullets.
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Enter the game if you dare. Either finish the game as a winner or a quitter. No in between.
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Play as Joe the office worker and get coffee.
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Make coffee except all the ingredients are beans!
Feed Maxwell space beans while defending him from the Chonker!
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