This jam is now over. It ran from 2020-03-16 21:00:00 to 2020-03-23 05:00:00. View 7 entries

Hello everyone,

Unfortunately GZ will not be able to host events as usual, but we are making due. We will be hosting "jams" in which we give you a tutorial and a prompt, and you have the week to submit something !

This week's theme is:

Zine Jam - Things to do while sitting stationary on a couch.

Couch - what a great place to sit. Kinda like a blank canvas of activities. Perfect place to practice juggling, search for treasure, and sleep in like 1000 different positions. Make an 8 page zine listing some of your favorite things to do while sitting stationary on a couch. You can be very strict to the theme or you could not be, just incorporate it in some way.

Don't worry about formatting if you do not want to, just upload pictures you take from your phone if that is easiest.

However, the EASIEST way of going about making a zine is definitely just taking a piece of printer paper, dividing it into 8 parts, and drawing directly on it. You can then just cut a slit in the middle and fold it into a little booklet. Don't worry about scanning it in or anything just do the best you can, photos are always great!

To submit to this jam you simply need to make an account, then upload your project to this jam.

I'll print out all of the submissions I get and mail them around so you can see what everybody made!

Good luck and please dm if you have any questions.

Examples for layout:

GZ Fall Zine:

Zine I made about my dog:


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a lil zine (mostly inspired by acnh) about what ive been doin on the couch:)
zine about call of duty: warzone
8 things to do while sitting on a couch
my thesis as a zine :)
A zine about planting a seed in your couch to make a new friend