This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-06-20 04:00:00 to 2024-06-22 03:59:59. View 14 entries
Space Potato. We all know his numerous space exploits, each more glorious than the last.
He is tired. He is ready to become... a Couch Potato.
Help our intrepid hero, that indomitable space spud, reach his zero-gee couch.
GoSciTech is an annual summer STEM camp hosted by the South Carolina Governor's School for Science and Mathematics. One of the camps is Game Design.
These levels were designed and submitted by the middle and high school students attending Game Design Camp in the summer of 2024. The Jam was hosted by Taylor and Clayton Belcher, who created the basic graphics and platformer code as a challenge prompt for the students. Space Potato is a character inspired by a drawing on one of the school whiteboards by another camper, Marie Sophie-Alvarez.
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