This jam is now over. It ran from 2020-08-31 21:23:05 to 2020-10-01 04:59:00. View results
NO two tabletop sessions are alike. They have enthralling stories and worlds to dive headfirst yourself into.
Meanwhile board games have everything in the box, and don't take any preparation.
Let's combine em!
Some people think every good RPG requires a good GM. Well, let's showcase some games where you create the characters, the stories, and/or the world together as a group.
Let's give it a shot!
This jam is for GM-less games that you can throw yourself into (for one-shots or long periods) just as like you could during the game the GM spent hours charting out the world and plotpoints of. Jam will go for a month (September, 2020), and then voting deadline is two weeks after that.
Let's give GM-less story games a little love~!
Anything goes besides that.
Awesome Examples:
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