This is a site for Global Game Jam located in Linköping, Östergötland, Sweden. You are free to join internationally but notice that there might be some locations closer to your area:
Due to COVID-19 our ordinary scheduled Global Game Jam will take place online.
- The game jam takes place during a weekend starting on Friday evening Central European Time (UTC+1).
- Main communication channel is LiU Game Jam's Discord. Official communication will be in English but expect to encounter some Swedish as well.
- First we are going to hold an introduction stream and watch the keynote video together.
- After that everyone is mixed into temporary discussion groups on the Discord server. These groups brainstorm ideas of game projects based on the themes and later pitch an idea to the rest of the attending jammers.
- Groups to work with are formed by the jammers themselves after the brainstorming/pitch session. This means that you are not required to have a team before joining the jam.
- After that we jam away and build amazing games.
How to participate
There are a number of steps you need to take to participate in the jam.
- Create and account and join the LiU Game Jam site on Global Game Jam's website.
- Join this jam site on itch.
- Join the LiU Game Jam's Discord and be there on Friday 29th at 18:00.
- Find a kickass team and create a game together.
- Upload result to this jam page.
- Upload result to Global Game Jam's website.
- Do a short presentation of your game on LiU Game Jam's Discord.
The theme for Global Game Jam 2021 is a mystery until we reveal it on the introduction stream.
All events take place on LiU Game Jam's Discord.
Friday 29th
- 17:30
- Pre-jam chill and watching of keynote on
- 18:00
- Introduction Stream.
- Brainstorming together with other jammers, similar to our IRL jams.
- Team forming.
Saturday 30th
- 18:00
- Half time review on Discord.
- 23:00
- Night-chill activities and party games.
Sunday 31st
- 18:00
- Ending stream on Discord.
- Game Jam deadline to upload result to
- Playtesting together with other jammers.
Future reading
LiU Game Jam is organized by LiTHe kod - a student association at Linköping University for everyone that likes programming. We usually arrange IRL Game Jams but due to COVID-19 moved this jam Online. Contact us at LiU Game Jam's Discord.
The Global Game Jam is the world's largest game creation event taking place in physical locations across the globe. Think of it as a 48 hour hackathon focused on game development around a theme.