This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-09-24 12:30:00 to 2023-09-29 06:30:00. View results


  • The game should be made within the stipulated time
  • The game should be relevant to the theme
  • You are free to use any game engine, software or library to create your game
  • You can also start with any base code that you already have
  • You can use assets that you previously created yourself
  • You can also use third party assets (including artwork, audio, character models, sprites) as long as you have the legal right to use them. All assets used and their sources must be mentioned in the report
  • Each hostel block can have a team of at most 5 members participating in the Jam. At least one of the members should have an Itch account
  • Do not mention your name or the name of your hostel block anywhere in your game or the Itch submission page. Doing so might result in disqualification. The titles of your games and the reports will be collected towards the end of the Jam

Judging criteria

  • Relevance to the theme
  • Creativity in interpretation of the theme
  • Concept and complexity of the game
  • Originality of the idea
  • Completeness
  • Game aesthetics


Your game must be based on at least 3 of the following 5 themes:

  • Psychological horror
  • Wait, are we the bad guys?
  • Stuck in a loop
  • Normalcy bias
  • The grass is always greener on the other side

As you might have already guessed, the above themes are not etched in stone and are open to interpretation. Creative interpretations and combinations of the themes will be rewarded.


Additionally, each team also has to write a report describing their game. It should consist of the following at the very least:

  • Title of the game (it should be the same as the title you upload to Itch)
  • Name of your hostel block and the names and roll numbers of your team members
  • Concept and idea behind the game
  • Controls/instructions
  • List of themes used and in what ways were they incorporated into your game
  • List of software, assets and resources used along with their sources (for example, links)

Feel free to add any additional information like story, lore, background or innovative approaches used during development to your report. Reports will be collected towards the end of the jam. Keep in mind that the names of your hostel block and team members should only be present in the report, and not in the game. The submission deadline for both the game and report is 11:59 PM, 28 Sep 2023. The game has to be submitted here.


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Browser playable (1)
Windows (1)
Linux (1)

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Zelda-like action puzzle short game
Play in browser
The game based on the theme of the movie inception. You need a kick to get out of your dream.