Welcome to the GDDC's April 2023 Game Jam
University life.
There’s a lot going on in school: exams, drama, homework, money, grades, jobs, drinking… it never ends. Make a game that encapsulates the university experience.
Rules of Entry
An eligible participant is the following:
- Student at the University of Delaware
Design Constraints
All entries must adhere to the following rules:
- The game must have a completion aspect (win condition) as well as some way for the player to be penalized or lose progress (lose condition)
- Start/Menu screen
- Must incorporate some level of mechanics
- i.e. combat system, money system, choices/actions, environment interactions
- Overall, must be interactive in some way
- No 3rd party assets
- Code from tutorials is allowed, if the source is documented
- All game engines are allowed
- Max teams of 3
- Game must be feature complete
- Free and playable on submission
- Must adhere to the theme
Entries may be ranked by anyone on the following criteria:
- Gameplay - Is it fun, unique?
- Theme - Does it adhere to the theme?
- Graphics - How nice is it to look at?
- Completeness - Can you play start to finish?
- Audio/Effects - Is the environment immersive?
Each criterion will receive a score out of 5.
1st Place
- $150 Visa Gift Card (split across team members)
- Special role in the GDDC Discord
2nd Place
- $30 Visa Gift Card (split across team members)
All Participants