This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-04-14 06:00:00 to 2021-04-25 10:00:00. View 6 entries


Starting from April 14, 2PM PHT, until April 25, 6PM PHT, create animations, illustrations, photographs, and physical or video games based on the theme.



Interpret however repetition is to you, interpret it not or lack repetition altogether. Have fun!

Join our Discord server if you want to look for a group/plan meetings/ etc.



  1. Interpret the theme however you wish, albeit optional.
  2. Use your favorite art supplies, software, game engine and workflow for the jam.
  3. One entry per person or group for the Art and Game Jam.  
  4. You can go solo or by group, there is no limit for the number of people in a group. Provide a link to the profiles of your groupmates.
  5. You may use any art style you wish, and whether your content output would be 2D, 2.5 or 3D, a static render or an animation.
  6. Please NO NSFW content.
  7. You may use previous works that you own. By reusing previous works, you must follow the theme.
    1. For Art Jam submissions, provide a before and after render of your work.
    2. For Game Jam submissions, only assets can be reused. Please do send a copy of your old game as well - can be a link. Just be sure to tag it as your old work and tag the new one as your new work made in the jam.
  8. You can use concept art, models and other assets that are not of your own and include it in your project. Make sure to credit the artist in doing so!
  9. Submissions will close by April 25th 2021 at 6:00 PM.
  10. Lastly, Have fun!



For Art Jam submissions, please refer to the following:

  1. For those submitting illustrations, please follow the following:
    1. Your submission page should be similar to this. (Use your illustration as the cover image as well.)
    2. Must be submitted in .png or .jpg formats.
  2. For those submitting animations, please follow the following:
    1. Your submission page should be similar to this. (Add a cover image as well.)
    2. Animations must be submitted in mp4 or m4v formats.
  3. 3D renders must be submitted in .fbx or .obj formats.
  4. Please provide some screenshots and a short description alongside your submissions.

For Game Jam submissions, please refer to the following:

  1. For those submitting a physical/board game, please include the necessary cards, boards, etc. alongside a game manual (via pdf) with your submission.
  2. If creating a video game, please submit a zip of the build files. A web build is highly recommended.
  3. Please provide some screenshots and a short description alongside your submissions.


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Halo-halo Mix is a "Go-Fish inspired" card game that has players collect cards as ingredients in order win the game.
Endless boss battle!