This jam is now over. It ran from 2020-02-07 05:00:00 to 2020-02-29 04:59:59. View results

Unit Project I is due on February 27 (Thursday), and is worth 15% of your total grade in the class.
For this project I am looking for you to demonstrate the following:

  • thoughtful rules writing
  • player-focused design that emphasizes the player’s emotional response to written rules (i.e., MDA/RBF)

My recommended way to do this is with a collection of 8-12 small games. Brief and well-iterated/well-edited is the ideal, here. However, I’m open to other constraints or even projects which look drastically different—but discuss with me beforehand if you intend to pursue a different format.

“small game” is intentionally vague. I encourage you to pick one of these constraints as a guideline or use these as inspiration for a similar one:

  • tweet games: each game (including the title!) can fit into a single tweet—280 characters. (Old school twitter hard mode: 140 characters.)
  • four line games: on a statement size page (5.5”x8.5”) in a word editor, the games do not exceed four lines of text
  • business card games: each game comfortably fits on a business card
  • playing card games: each game comfortably fits on a 2.5”x3.5” playing card
  • public art games: each game fits on a postal sticker that could, in theory, be placed anywhere
  • postcard games: each game fits on a postcard, and is written with a particular person in mind. (But, please don't give me their address when you submit the games.)