This jam is done!
Check out the winners at :
Create original games, demos, homebrews tools and music for the original Game Boy / Game Boy Color and compete for fame, glory and over $5500 of prizes!
Join us on Discord to get started with Game Boy development, find a team or get help!
More details (and the full ruleset) can be found at
The total prize pool of
will be split according to this document. Anybody can contribute by donating. There are also a bunch of physical prizes!
This competition is about making software that can run on actual game boy hardware.
- The entry must implement/interpret the jam theme (applies to Game category only).
- The final deliverable must consist of a GB or GBC ROM file.
- GBC features are allowed (entries may be GBC only)
- SGB features are allowed (but don't rely on them)
- You can use RGBDS (ASM), GBDK (C), ZGB (C), GB Studio, GBSDK(C+RGBDS ASM) or anything that produces a valid ROM.
Jam Theme: You are the monster
Your work must be new and original:
- Examples of things that are allowed:
- A brand new game using your own (or any) existing game engine
- A remake of your (or someone else's) game for a different platform, but with new code and assets
- A brand new game you barely started (e.g. you only made a title screen or a mockup of the gameplay)
- Asset packs for art and music are ok if the licensing permits. Make note of what is being reused and under what terms
- Examples of things that are not allowed:
- A project you've been working on for months
- An update/patch for a game you already released publicly
- ROM Hacks
- NSFW content
An entry can compete in one and only one of the following leaderboards:
- Games
- Music cartridges (1 prize)
- Demoscene style (1 prize)
- Tool (1 prize)
The complete ruleset can be found
Open Source
We strongly encourage releasing your work under an open-source license. You'll be eligible for additional prizes.

Join the sponsors and showcase your company

Here is a brief list of tools and documentation to get you started.
- General links
- RGBDS (ASM language)
- GBDK (C language)
- GBStudio (no coding required)
- Music
- lsdpack and lsdlack-kit for making LSDJ playback ROMs
(other audio drivers in ROM form are ok too)
Past edition
You can check out gbcompo21, the past edition of the event, to get inspired and see the winning entries. Some of them were also released as Open Source!