This jam is now over. It ran from 2019-09-05 22:00:00 to 2019-09-13 22:00:00. View results
GamesFyre is a crowdfunding platform designed for the needs of indie game developers and small creator studios. We want to give all developers the chance to get their games out there and gain the attention they deserve.
It's our top priority to connect players and developers thats why we created this game jam!
The theme of the game jam is
We want to see your games evolve! Connect with us on Instagram and Twitter! :) You can use the hashtag: #GamesFyre or link to us with @gamesfyre.official (instagram) or @gamesfyre1 (twitter)
We know that a game jam is great way to present new ideas, but the time frame is to short to develop a polished game. So we will award the best of the games with a boost on a crowdfunding campaign on our platform Means we won't collect any fee's on your collected funding amount!
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