This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-01-23 13:00:00 to 2023-02-23 13:00:00. View 10 entries

Games Now! Online Jam #8 is all about jamming with AI tools!


Register to the GN Online Jam #8: Amazing AI Jam and the GN! Event Day #2: Amazing Game Art here:


Welcome to the year 2023 - when everyone is now talking about... AI! But do you know that games can also be developed with or by AI? Playing with AI tools have never been so accessible as it is right now. AI tools can now help anyone to come up with new ideas for instance visuals or narrative design of the game. How it is to jam with an AI?

We continue our series of online jams with multicultural collaboration. We will have game jammers from various countries around the world.  You can also join the jammer match-making to meet new people and explore your own creative powers together! The jam will be jointly held in collaboration with the GN! network's universities and schools, including Chungkang College of Cultural Industries – School of Games (South Korea), Södertörn University (Sweden), Ritsumeikan University (Japan), the Professional University of Technology in Tokyo (Japan), University of Vaasa (Finland), Aalto University (Finland), and many more. Check the full list here:

You can join the jam regardless of whether you are enrolled in any game school - the jam is open to anyone and free of charge! We welcome everyone who loves games and is interested in cross-cultural jamming.

The jam will be kicked off on the 23rd of January 2023 as part of the GN! Event Day program at: At the kick-off, we will introduce our jam mentors as well as reveal the theme for the jam. Join the full GN! Event Day to learn more. 

[KOREAN] 게임즈나우! 온라인 게임잼 #8에 초대합니다.

2023년 새해가 밝았습니다. 그리고 요즘 가장 핫토픽은 단연 "AI" - 인.공.지.능! 여러분, 이젠 AI로 게임도 개발할 수 있다는 사실을 알고 계신가요? 최근 인공지능 기술의 수준은 단순 챗봇 수준을 넘어 하루가 다르게 진보하고 있습니다. 머신러닝과 자연어 처리(natural processing) 기술 등으로 중무장한 AI들은 인간의 게임 디자인(기획)을 도울 수 있는 경지에 이르고 있습니다. 더 나아가 게임 에셋 등 구성 요소 제작을 아예 도와주는 AI 툴들도 등장하고 있죠. 이렇게 발전해 나아가는 AI. 그렇지만 막연히 두려워만 해선 안될 것입니다. 오히려 이 상황을 이성적으로 AI를 이해하고, 수용하고, 그리고 새로운 방향으로 도전해볼 때 입니다! 그런 점에서 이번 온라인 게임잼에서 AI와 팀플을 해보면 어떨까요? AI들과 함께 게임 만들어보기 - 자, 과연 어떤 일이 일어날까요? 한번 해봅시다!

이번 게임잼에도 세계 여러 게임 학교들이 함께 손을 모았습니다. 지구 반대편에선 어떻게 게임을 인식하고 개발하는지 문화 교류 체험해볼 수 있는 절호의 기회! 본 행사는 핀란드 알토대학교, 대한민국 청강문화산업대학교 게임콘텐츠스쿨, 일본 릿츠메이칸대학교, 스웨덴 쉐드텐대학교, 일본 도쿄국제공과전문대학(IPUT), 핀란드 바사대학교 등 세계 여러 협력 교육기관들이 함께합니다. 게임즈나우 협력대학 목록은 여기에서 확인하실 수 있습니다:

게임즈나우! 온라인 게임잼 #8은 게임 개발에 관심과 열정을 가진 모두에게 활짝 열려 있습니다. 학생이 아닌 이들도 누구나 참가 신청 가능하며, 참가료도 무료입니다.

본 행사는 2023년 1월 23일, 게임즈나우 Event Day를 통해 공식 오픈됩니다.  트위치를 통해 오프닝 행사를 시청하세요: 게임즈나우에 대한 자세한 사항은 공식 홈페이지를 참고하세요:

[JAPANESE] Games Now! Online Jam #8にようこそ!

2023年、新しい年が始まりました。 そして最近最もホットトピックは断然「AI(人工知能)」! 皆さん、もうAIでゲームも開発できることをご存知ですか? 最近、AIの技術レベルは単純なチャットボットレベルを超えて一日が異なるように進歩しています。 MLや natural processing技術などで重武装したAIは、人間のゲームデザイン(企画)を支援できる境地に至っています。 さらに、ゲームアセットなどのコンポーネント制作をまったく助けてくれるAIツールも登場しています。 しかし、漠然と恐れてはいけません。 むしろこの状況を理性的にAIを理解し、受け入れ、そして新しい方向に挑戦してみる時です! そんな点で今回のオンラインゲームジャムでAIとチームプルをしてみてはいかがでしょうか? AIと一緒にゲームを作ろう - さて、果たしてどんなことが起こりますか? 一度やりましょう!



本イベントは2023年1月23日、ゲームズナウ!イベントDAYを通じて公式開催されます。 ゲームズナウ!の詳細については、公式ホームページをご参照ください。

####### Requirements and Theme ######################## 

 ####### 게임잼 규칙 및 테마 ゲームジャムルールとテーマ######

The jammers are required to use generative AI tools (such as text-promt image generation tools or for instance text generators) as part of their development process. This can be in any form, as an inspiration, generation of ideas, production of concept art, translating your game into multiple languages, or for instance in the narrative design of the game. Make sure that the tools that you use are legitimate and the outputs are available to use under your selected license for your game submission. We also require transparency on how you involved AI in your development process.

The jam will have an inspirational theme, which will be revealed at the end of the kick-off event on 23rd January 2023. It will remain a secret until then. 

All submitted jam games will receive feedback/comments from our jam mentors, and some will also be reviewed thoroughly at the next Games Now! Online Jam #9 that is scheduled at March 2023 (detailed time and date TBA).


이번 게임즈나우! 온라인 게임잼 #8에서 여러분은 AI 생성 툴 (예: AI 기반 이미지, 텍스트 생성 툴)를 사용하여 게임을 개발하여야 합니다. 예를들어, 텍스트 생성 AI툴에서 게임 아이디어를 뽑아내거나, 컨셉아트를 AI를 통해 만들어보거나, 번역을 해보거나, 또는 AI 채팅봇을 사용해 게임 스토리를 완성해보는 등의 방법을 사용할 수 있습니다. 이 때 올바른 경로를 통하여 AI툴을 다운로드 및 이용해주시고, AI를 통해 생성한 에셋들이 게임잼에 사용될 수 있는지 여부를 잘 확인해주시기 바랍니다. (라이선스, 사용 규정 등 확인.) 그리고 게임 제출 시에도 어떤 방식으로 AI를 응용해 게임을 개발했는지에 대해 꼭 보고해주시기 바랍니다.

2023년 1월 23일, 한국시각 오후 11시 게임잼 "테마(theme)"가 공개됩니다. 테마는 간단한 단어나 문장이 될 예정입니다.

이번 Games Now! Online Jam #8에서는 핀란드 현지 게임 업계 전문가들이 멘토로 참여하며, 행사 도중 참가자들과 함께 게임 개발 피드백 시간을 가질 예정입니다. 나아가 행사 종료 후 완성/제출된 게임들에 대한 멘토들의 서면 리뷰가 제공됩니다. 뿐만 아니라 일부는 Games Now! Online Jam#9 이벤트(2023년 3월 예정) 방송에서 품평을 받아볼 수도 있습니다. 


今回のゲームズナウ! オンラインゲームジャム#8では、AI作成ツール(AIベースの画像、テキスト生成ツールなど)を使用してゲームを開発する必要があります。 たとえば、テキスト生成AIからゲームのアイデアを抽出したり、コンセプトアートをAIで描いたり、翻訳を試したり、AIチャットボットを使ってゲームストーリーを完成したりすることができます。 このとき、正しいパスを介してAIツール/サービスを使用し、そのAIを通じて生成されたアセットをゲームジャムに使用できるかどうかをまず確認してください。 そして、ゲーム提出時にどのようにAIを使ってゲームを開発したのかをぜひご報告ください。


今回のGames Now! Online Jam #8では、フィンランドのゲーム業界の専門家が参加し、ゲーム開発に対するフィードバックやヒントが参加者に対して提供されます。 参加者が開発したゲームについてもレビューが行われる予定です。さらに 提出されたゲームの一部は、Games Now! Online Jam#9イベント(2023年3月予定)で講評が行われる予定です。

##################### Schedule 일정 #####################

  • Game Jam Kick-off: 23rd January 2023, 15:00 -16:30 (EET) / 14:00 - 15:30 (CET) / 22:00 - 23:30 (KST, JST) / 13:00 – 14:30 (UTC) @
  • Brainstorming and teaming (team building) session: 24th January 2023, 10:00 -11:00 (EET) / 9:00 - 100:00 (CET) / 17:00 - 18:00 (KST, JST) / 8:00 – 9:00 (UTC) @GN! Discord:
  • Teams fixed:  by 27th January 2023, 10:00 (EET) / 9:00 (CET) / 17:00 (KST, JST) / 8:00 (UTC)
  • Progress reports and help throughout the jam, at GN! Discord:
  • Mid-term mentor feedback 6th  & 7th February 2023 (exact time slots TBA), at GN! Discord: 
  • Submission deadline: 23rd February 2023, 15:00 (EET) / 14:00 (CET) / 22:00 (KST, JST) / 13:00 (UTC) 
  • Jam Review:  March 2023 (detailed time and date TBA) @

##################### Mentors 멘토단 #####################

Eevi Korhonen, Senior Narrative Designer, Housemarque

After 10+ years of experience in the game industry, ranging from mobile and Facebook to AAA games, Eevi Korhonen is very familiar with the many facets of game design. As a narrative designer, her main areas of interest are worldbuilding and the intersection of mechanics and storytelling. Her love for all things weird and creepy can be witnessed in her latest works, CONTROL and Returnal.

Samuli Jääskeläinen, Senior Software Engineer, Varjo

Samuli has made more than 100 video games and is an avid game jammer. When he is not travelling for game jams creating crazy little games he is pushing the boundaries of mixed reality technology at Varjo.

Tarja Porkka-Kontturi, Director of Communications, Global Game Jam

Tarja is  the Director of Communications at Global Game Jam, doing mentoring and DEIB & Accessibility consultancy in the games and games industry spaces.

Arvi Teikari, Hempuli,

Arvi's lifelong desire to create led him first to drawing and painting and later to game design. One of his greatest interests as a game developer is to create experiences that surprise or otherwise evoke emotion in the audience, be it through a relatable structures or unusual design. Preferring to make things quickly and not dwell on details, game jams have become a very important part of his identity as a game developer.

##################### Hosts #####################

Annakaisa Kultima, Aalto University, Finland

Annakaisa Kultima, Aalto University, Finland

Annakaisa Kultima is a postdoctoral researcher at Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture in Finland. She has been teaching and studying game design and development since 2006 in several universities in Finland and Sweden as well as traveled as a visiting lecturer around the world including universities in US, China, Denmark, South Korea and Japan. Her research is concentrating on game development cultures, creativity, game industry trends, as well as game jams. Kultima’s PhD dissertation “Game Design Praxiology” examined the multitude of issues of understanding ‘games as created’ including game jam cultures. Kultima is also an active member of the game ecosystem in Finland and internationally: she is working as a judge in several game competitions, running and participating in game jams (around 50 game jams so far!) as well as curating exhibitions on games. She has been leading Global Game Jam theme committee and been the regional organizer and site organizer for Global Game Jam for many years. She is also a member of the founding team of The Finnish Museum of Games as well as the co-founder and the head of non-profit organization Finnish Game Jam between 2013-2020. At Aalto University, Annakaisa works on the Games Now! open lecture series carefully picking the most interesting topics and speakers to the series.

Solip Park Aalto University, Finland

Solip Park Aalto University, Finland

Solip is a doctoral researcher at Aalto University School of Arts, Design, and Architecture - Department of Arts and Media. Her current research interest is focused on digital game production, work culture, and immigrants/expats. Solip is the author and artist of "Game Expats Story" comic series, while currently acting as a member of the board and Graphics/Arts Team Lead at Finnish Game Jam Ry and Management Team Lead at the Korean Student Association in Finland (KOSAFI Ry). She is working with the Embassy of the Republic of Korea (South) in Finland, leading their "Kor-Fin Esports Festival" and "Kor-Fin Special Game Week" projects - connecting game devs in Finland and South Korea.  Solip was once the first South Korean to acquire Finland's startup entrepreneur residence permit in 2018. She was one of the founding members of Nexon Computer Museum - the first permanent museum in East Asia dedicated to the history of computer and video games, located in South Korea.


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Sentiments & Circuitry: Saffron's Love Story | Games Now Online Jam #8
Visual Novel
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Planet exploration in a vintage spacecraft, mixing platforming challenges with narrative
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The screams of instruments
Scream to The Scream
Drive and scream to jump to scream tp jump.
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A game about climbing a really tall mountain one limb at the time.
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Fight the monsters from your nightmares by screaming as loud as you can!
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2023 GN! GameJam participation project .