This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-12-13 07:00:00 to 2023-12-16 06:00:00. View 1 entry


You are creating a game based on another group in your course. Make sure to follow the same design constraints they did.


It can seem daunting to be given creative constraints and be mandated to create a game within them. Constraints can actually increase your creative output if utilized correctly. Lean into the constraints and think of clever ways to apply the theory.

  • Simple Backgrounds - You'll want to focus artistic detail on your character and gameplay.
  • Rendering - Figure out layer sorting and how to do your colouring ASAP.
  • Scale Nearest Neighbor - This helps avoid aliasing when resizing assets.
  • Avoid Mixels - Avoid scaling, rotating, or different grid sized sprites.
  • 8-bit sound - Utilize 8-bit sound generators to create your own sounds.
  • Remember your button theory - Overloading, Button States, Held Length Contexts, Button History


These rules are steadfast and unbreakable. Abide by them.

  • You must submit your game before the deadline.
  • You can only use assets that you have a license to use.
  • The majority of game has to be original.
  • Respect your team members' roles.
  • Keep the scope of the game small - try to focus on a single feature.

Judging Criteria

These are the areas the staff will be judging your games on. Keep this in mind when designing and building your games.

Fitting the theme


Technical challenge








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Robbery as a Hobby