This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-08-19 07:00:00 to 2023-09-10 06:59:59. View results

The Goal

The goal is to make an arcade style fighting game with head-to-head combat for 1 or 2 players. 


There is no specific theme except that the gameplay should be in line with classic fighters and not a side-scrolling platformer. Make something that's actually fun and don't get caught up on little details. 


Making a fighting game is hard work. This time you get a good three weeks to work on this game. I hope to make this an ongoing game jam series where you can continuously develop your dream fighting game. 


  • Any game engine may be used to build your game. Yes even MUGEN.
  • Keep it simple. It's better to submit an incomplete game than none at all.
  • Focus on the core aspects of your game. Save extra features and polish for the end.


  • Must be a fighting game
  • Must have head-to-head combat. 1-player vs CPU is ok, 2-player versus mode is encouraged.
  • Must be playable in a browser.
  • No NSFW content.
  • Original assets (music, art, code, ui) should be made for this jam. 
  • The use or modification of your own pre-made assets are allowed as long as you are the original creator. Repurposing old code snippets is acceptable within reason but if you're heavily borrowing from an existing game or framework, please mention it. Using previously made artwork, music, sfx, backgrounds, characters, frameworks borrowed from your other original creations is fine. It's ok to use existing or pre-made assets as long as you give proper credit to the original creator or source.


Submit your game early! Each game will be judged on the following criteria:

  • Gameplay (controls, fun factor)
  • Graphics (art style, animation, character design)
  • Audio (sound effects, music)
  • Originality/Innovation

Bonus points for:

  • Gamepad support
  • 2-players
  • Using Godot Engine


Every valid entry regardless of rating will be eligible to win a prize. This will be determined in a tournament style format where each game will be pitted against each other in side-by-side playtesting until there is only a single clear winner.

Tournament Winner Prize:
HORI Nintendo Switch Fighting Commander USB gamepad

HORI Nintendo Switch Fighting Commander Officially Licensed By Nintendo

In addition, the top rated game in each of the following categories will be awarded one choice of free merch: 

Overall Gameplay
Visual Art

Arcade Fighting Game Jam II official merch

Arcade Fighting Game Jam II official merch

I'm looking for streamers to playtest the submissions. Get in touch with me if you want to help!

More details soon…

Discord invite link:

Other upcoming jams:

No Words Jam


All submissions
Browser playable (2)
Solo (1)
Team (1)
Yes. Some assets are 3rd party assets created outside of the jam. (1)
No. All assets are created by me (or my team) during the jam period. (1)

No submissions match your filter

Head-to-head vs fighter for two players in true classic arcade style
Play in browser
Step by step walk the thousand mile road
Play in browser