This is it! The moment to find out which Faction has enough Skillz to pay da billz. This is the Factions at War Game Jam! You'll have approximately a month to think, design and develop a Game worthy of your faction. Do you have what it takes? I know you do!
The topic of this Jam is...
Create a short, quick and polished game we can ALL have a blast with! The Community will surely be part of the process by playtesting your games to perfection, if you want to.
The Rules
To participate, be eligible and have extra points, here they are... the Rules of my Kingdom.
Lucía: This isn't your kingd-
For the Teams
- Only one submission per team.
- Every Team and Project must have an Itch.io page with their game on it.
- Teams should share their progress in the #game-dev and #game-jam-project-updates channels regularly. Twitter works too as long as the links are posted as well.
- Earn credibility by sharing your progress on Twitter as well, using the hashtag #collidergamejam and tagging @collidercraft
- Each team can have a max of 6 members in total. No social life? No problem! Party for one!
- Last (but not least): Respect. Tolerance. Fun. Follow our Discord Server's rules here as well.
For the Project
- Projects without a repository will be considered "suspicious". Avoid this by having your code in the cloud using Perforce, SVN, Git or Plastic!
- The project must, without exceptions, include the CrashDummy Cypher character provided by Collider Craftworks, available in this link.
- Submissions must be appropriately packaged to run on Windows PCs (No MacOS, VR, HTML5 or Mobile projects).
- Game must add significant value to existing templates or base projects.
- All assets must be polished, use of "placeholders" results in penalties.
- As customary with Jams, we'll evaluate the use of marketplace assets, not the assets themselves.
- Modified Assets could salvage some score, but it depends on the case. You have been warned.
- Game Concept and Gameplay must be related to the Jam's topic (the more original the use, the better the score!).
- Any sort of Copyright violation will automatically hammertime your project.
- Submissions must be supported by a gameplay footage video including 30 to 60 seconds of relevant gameplay (that is, show us your moves!).
- In case there are three submissions or less, they won't automatically win one of the three prizes. Instead, the Games must add significant value to be considered a valid entry. Low quality games, reskins and basic template projects that don't live up to the Judges' standards will not be eligible.
- In order for a Grand Champion to be selected, at least 4 projects must reach 1st Place, otherwise there won't be a Grand Champion.
In the end, we reserve the right to change the rules (but not the Jam's scope or concept) as we see fit for the best of the Jam, the community and everyone involved, without any intended prejudice of any kind.
The Loot
Grand Champion
The final showdown! From all 1st Place winners, only one can emerge victorious!
Each member in the team gets:
- Demoing the Visual Wallet
- Beta Testing the Moshpit
- Your name forever immortalized on the Moshpit
- OG role = 2 WL Spots
- Free Mint!
Note: "Grand Champion Loot" does not stack with "Faction: 1st Place" loot
Category: 1st Place
Best game in the faction!
Each member in the team gets:
- Demoing the Visual Wallet
- Beta Testing the Moshpit
- Your name forever immortalized on the Moshpit
- OG role = 2WL
Category: 2nd Place
Second place in the faction, well done!
Each member in the team gets:
- Demoing the Visual Wallet
- Beta Testing the Moshpit
- 1 WL
Category: 3rd Place
Third place. Still counts!
Each member in the team gets:
- Demoing the Visual Wallet
- 1 WL
But ser, where can I start!?
Take advantage Unreal Engine 5! (4 is accepted as well if you know what you're doing). In order to get you started, help yourself to Epic's new and fantabulous Developer Community. There are plenty of learning paths to choose from and to focus on.
We suggest you start from the beginning (if you're a beginner at GameDev) by checking the following lovingly hand-picked links!
With a little help of my friends
Teams of up to 6 members can submit an entry on this jam, under the condition all 6 members are Verified members in our Discord Server and they all belong to the faction they represent.
Recommended: You will need code and you will need art. Be sure to have at least a 3D artist, Developers (the more the merrier), someone to do Graphic Designer and someone to take care of Audio. You wouldn't believe the amount of good projects that fail because of bad UX caused by lousy UI and lackluster audio.
Bob made a game with no UI and no Audio. Don't be like Bob.
The Submission Checklist
This is just because it's you, otherwise we wouldn't do it. Use the following checklist to maximize Judge flabbergasting.
- Name of the compressed file containing the project must be named like the project.
- Gameplay footage video: 30 to 60 seconds.
- Project's Twitter Handle
- Team Info: Discord user and tag, faction and roles in the project
- Source code repository link
- Project's Itch.io page
- Did you scan the project for viruses?
- ... CrashDummy is a character in the game, right?... right?
- Triple check the submission works and you're not uploading some old dumpster fire build (It happens. A LOT.)
- Is the repository visible? Public? Updated? ... Created?
- Cookies for the Judges (optional, they won't affect the score, but they are tasty and we like food)
You actually made it to the bottom? I'm impressed. Less reading, more coding. Chop chop!