This jam is now over. It ran from 2022-11-02 23:00:00 to 2022-11-16 22:59:00. View 2 entries

03-18 November 2022

ElympicsJAM is a free online hackathon for game developers that want to build their first blockchain game. You bring killer ideas, we wrap them up in new technologies.

During our two-week game jam we invite you to create a multiplayer web3 game related to the game jam topic (to be announced at the kick-off). Never built a web3 game before? Don't worry! Elympics team of experts will support you throughout the jam on daily basis.

Top3 teams will be awarded prizes at the closing ceremony. All teams that submit their project will also be awarded with tickets to Next Block Expo - one of the biggest blockchain events in Europe.

Grab your friends, join Elympics Discord and start creating your game! 

  • Learn how to create and deliver blockchain games
  • Connect with like-minded game devs
  • Try something new and have fun!

Create your teams and register to compete for prizes and take part is our workshops and social events. 

Here you can find examples of games developed during previous editions of game jam and get some inspiration. Good luck!

WHERE. The game jam is fully remote and will take place on Elympics Discord.

HOW. You’ll get access to materials explaining how to use our networking engine. You’ll also get live tech support from our developers whenever you need it.

  • Unity game developers looking for a challenging task and eager to learn new, useful tools
  • Game artists with a killer idea for a multiplayer game
  • Devs that want to learn how to use blockchain in gaming

  • How to build a secure and scalable multiplayer game
  • How to move a local game online in a time-efficient way
  • How to implement blockchain monetization mechanisms into your game 

The ElympicsJAM theme will be announced on the kickoff day to ensure all teams have equal chances in the competition.

Final price pool will be disclosed closer to the event date. All teams that submit their project will also be awarded with tickets to Next Block Expo - one of the biggest blockchain events in Europe.

Our experts will review all games submitted and evaluate them based on the following criteria:

  1. Theme (10 points)
  2. Innovation (10 points)
  3. Visual effects (10 points)
  4. Technical solutions (10 points)
  5. Gameplay (10 points)

Q: I don't have a team. Can I apply on my own?

A: Sure! We accept both team and solo submissions. You can participate in Elympics Jam on your own or team up with other solo applicants using a dedicated team building channel on our Discord.

Q: I'm not a developer. Can I apply?

A: Yes! Anyone involved in the game creation process including developers, designers, producers, etc. can join ElympicsJAM. However, remember to join a team with game developers.

Q: I don't have blockchain skills. Can I apply?

A: Absolutely! Elympics Jam is meant for all game developers and artists regardless of their blockchain knowledge. You’ll get access to workshops and materials on blockchain development.

Q: I'm not proficient in Unity. Can I apply?

A: To participate in our jam, you need to be able to use Unity without assistance. However, you don’t have to use it daily: amateur experience is welcome.

Q: I sent my application. Do I have a seat guaranteed?

A: Yes! Elympics Jam is open to all game developers and artists no matter their skills, experience or blockchain knowledge. There’s no selection process: once you send your application, you’re in!

Q: I won't be able to participate in workshops. Will you record them?

A: Yes! We will post the recordings of each presentation on our Discord.

Q: I've never used Elympics before. Can I apply?

A: No problem! You’ll get access to Elympics materials such as documentation or video tutorials. You’ll also get help from our tech support. Elympics Jam is the best way to learn how to use our networking engine.


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