The theme of this Creative Jam is "DREAMS"! Don't fear joining late as this jam goes for a full month!
- Entrants can be any Lake City HS student or Jacobson Club member from the past or present.
- Entries can be a video game, art piece, comic, animation, card game, board game.
- Entries must be a new and original work not entered in any other competition.
- PRIZES: (Based on a minimum of 10 quality submissions) 1st-$100, 2nd-$50, 3rd-$25 (Paypal, Steam Gift Code, ?)
Cash Prizes are based on 10 submissions. We had 4 so 4/10 adjustment would be $40, $20,$10... I’m going to up these a bit and add a 4th place so everyone feels the love. $50, $30, $20, $10 - There will also be other participation perk incentives for all valid quality entries.
- Teams are fine (max 4, team leader must be past/present student of mine)
- Judging criteria : Overall - Theme interpretation, Artistry, Quality
Check back here for further unfolding details!
Current quality participation perks pick list: