This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-02-02 18:30:00 to 2024-02-05 18:30:00. View results

Dash Ball Jam

A level-designing game jam using the Dash Ball's inbuilt level editor (only for Android mobile devices)

Dash Ball is a hardcore platformer game for mobile platforms (currently only on Android) with a built-in Level Editor. Created levels can be converted to QR Codes. They can easily be shared and imported via Scanning (via a built-in QR code scanner), by taking a screenshot, or by sharing the QR image file.

This is a first-ever dash ball jam and has been organised with the primary focus of testing and learning to organize game jams

Links :-

playstore :
discord community :

A quick Dash Ball level editor showcase (and yes if you scan the qr code in this video with the game's built-in qr scanner you WILL get the level on your phone, try it !!)

Rating :-

1) Don't just make the level hard by creating narrow paths or spamming the obstacles, Try to make it tricky/interesting hard.

Rules :-

1) If the level submission by different participants is almost the same we will only consider the participant who submitted the earliest and rest will be treated  as ineligible entries

2) After community voting top 30 entries will be judged. If there are ineligible entries in the top 30 they will be treated as though they don't exist. For example:- if entries with rank 4,5,6 are ineligible then instead of them entries 31,32,33 will be judged

3) Judges will announce the winners in the discord server.

Prizes :-
top 10 participant will receive premium coupon codes :) To send you the code we must have some way to contact you. You can also join our discord, that way it would be easy to stay in touch with us and the community.

Cash Prizes are planned for the future Dash Ball Jams


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