The Jam
Welcome to the annual createChester Game Jam for BSc Games Development students at the University of Chester. The game jam is the jewel in the crown of createChester. It gives you the opportuntity to work in teams, to create a game for a given theme, without the pressure of assignment marks looming overheard. Hopefully you'll find the game jam fun, engaging but also educational.
The jam this year:
- Will take place in person in CCR132
- Will feature industry judges from many different industries including several game studios (no pressure!)
- Will have prizes for the winners and runners up
- Will be submitted through
The following rules will apply to the game jam this year:
- No more than six in a team
- Teams must include students from all three levels (L4, L5 and L6)
- The jam starts: Monday 30th October at 14:00
- The jam ends: Wednesday 1st November at 22:00
- Judging runs from 22:00 on the 1st November until 09:00 on the 7th November
- Submissions after the deadline won't be accepted
Judging Criteria
- Theme - How well did the game meet the theme?
- Playability - How fun and engaging is the game? How is the 'game feel'?
- Creativity - How creative is the game design?
- Presentation - How good is the visual quality of the game for the type of game? How well is their jam page presented?
- Team Composition - Did they include all three years? How balanced was the team? Higher marks for those with more L4s.
Submission Details
All submissions should be uploaded as a Windows executable. Optionally you can also include a HTML/WebGL and/or macOS version where appropriate. You must populate your page with the following (See here for an example:
- Description of the game, including controls
- At least three screenshots of your game (1920x1080)
- A thumbnail (630x500)
- A banner (1920x553)
- A play through video hosted on YouTube. This should show off the game and is used as a back up by judges in case the game doesn't launch or crashes.
- The createChester submission badge